I want to congratulate our amazing students and ballroom dance instructors Shay and Guillermo for achieving 1st and/or 2nd place in all of their ballroom dance events at the Emerald Ball! It takes a lot of effort and determination to place in a ballroom competition and the Emerald Ball is one of the largest ballroom dance competitions in the United States. Congratulations!

It’s a lot of fun entering a ballroom dance competition like the Emerald Ball and setting a goal like this really improves your ballroom dancing quickly. If you want to learn more about Pro/Am ballroom dancing just contact us, we will be happy to show you how to get started.

I also want to give a big shout out to our fantastic Line Dance Team! Your formation lines were great and you represented like a BOSS! I know we all had a great time sharing our love and joy of dance while representing the By Your Side Dance family.

You guys are the best!


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